With the delay, and rescheduling of the 2020 weddings due to the concerns of the 2020 Social Distancing of the Covid-19 virus… It is going to be a crazy busy 2021 Wedding season. Venues are going to book up quickly especially in North Dakota given the limited number of unique spaces to hold your special day. Here is a list of things to possibly consider when you start looking at dates, and where you would like to hold your 2021 Wedding.

- Look at having your wedding on a Friday or Sunday
- Look into having your wedding on the Fall or the Spring… those seasons have more availability
- Consider having a ND Destination Wedding… Consider the Badlands, a Ranch… Farm, a Vineyard or somewhere you wouldn’t typically think of.
- Consider Having a small intimate wedding and a reception somewhere beautiful and grand!
- Ask your friends and family for unique ideas, they know your style best!
Above all, remember what the meaning of your Wedding Day is! It’s not about the best venue, the biggest budget, the perfect details… it’s about the commitment you are making. The person you are wanting to spend the rest of your life with. And the memories you will share for generations to come with your loved ones.
Rachael Neva